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APA 6th Edition: One Author or Editor

Utica College Library Guide to APA Citation Style

APA Citations

In APA Style, there are two elements needed to properly cite each of your sources:

The reference list entry - information about the article that appears at the end of your paper in the list of references

The in-text citation - brief information that appears in the body of your paper to indicate a direct quote or paraphrase.

Several of the examples in this guide were drawn from the APA Manual (6th ed.). 

Numbers in parentheses refer to specific pages in the APA Manual (6th ed.). 

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Book with One Author or Editor (p. 203)

The general format below refers to a book with one author.

If you are dealing with one editor instead of one author, you would simply insert the editor's name in the place where the author's name is now, followed by "(Ed.)" without the quotation marks.  The rest of the format would remain the same.

Reference list:

Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year). Book title: Subtitle (edition). Place of Publication: Publisher.


Fine, A. H.  (2015). Handbook on animal-assisted therapy: Foundations and guidelines for animal-assisted interventions (4th ed.). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

In-Text Citation:

(Author Surname, Year, page number)


(Fine, 2015, p. 167)

How to Find the Place of Publication

The place of publication is the name of the city where the publisher is located (p. 186).  The place can be found on the title page or verso (back) of the title page. Use the first city listed or the city where the publisher's headquarters is located.

See this example to help you locate a book's place of publication, publisher name, and other info required for an APA citation.