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Health Care Administration: Searching the ProQuest Health Care Administration Database

ProQuest Healthcare Administration

Navigate to the ProQuest Health Care Administration database from the library home page>Find Databases

Enter your search terms (keywords) in the fields (boxes) provided.

  • Broaden your search - separate your search terms with OR.
  • Narrow your search - separate your search terms with AND.
    Note: By default, ProQuest assumes an AND relationship between your search terms.
  • Advanced Search - look for terms in specific fields used to index documents in ProQuest.
  • Target your search more precisely - move your cursor over the Advanced Search link to display a menu offering both Advanced Search, and Command Line.
  • Publication Search - browse issues of a newspaper, journal, or magazine -- or search for articles in a specific publications.
  • Phrase searching - look for phrases by enclosing them in quotation marks, for example, "healthy eating".
  • Word variants - to retrieve only a particular variant of a word, such as colour but not color, enter the word in quotation marks in the search box, for example: "colour".
  • Limit your search - select available limiter check boxes such as Full text or Peer-reviewed to focus your search.