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Media and Streaming Video

Loan policies for dvds and vhs, classroom viewing, copyright and fair use, streaming services

Transitioning from VHS

We encourage faculty to contact the library if they know there are videos in the collection in VHS format that they continue to use. 

Although not legally considered an obsolete format, VHS is a deteriorating format.  Replacement copies for the VHS tapes in the Media collection that are in use will be purchased in DVD or streaming format. 

There are also a number of titles that are missing or were disposed of, so we please contact the library well in advance of the date needed so we can ensure that we have a copy in the collection on the day that you need it.

In the past some faculty have been told that transferring VHS videos to DVDs was not allowed due to copyright restrictions.  This is not necessarily true. Under Section 108 of U.S. Copyright law, it is permissible to make a copy if an unused replacement copy cannot be obtained at a reasonable price after a reasonable effort, as long as the original is retained and does not circulate.  The library will work with IITS to transfer these titles to DVDs.

Section 108 Limitations on exclusive rights: Reproduction by libraries and archives can be found at:


For more information

For more information, please contact:

  • Herb LaGoy <>