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Physics 163 - How Things Work

Journals for PHY 163


American Journal of PhysicsAJP publishes articles on the educational and cultural aspects of physics that are useful, interesting, and accessible to a diverse audience of physics students, educators, and researchers.  Use the SEARCH button at the top of the page to find articles.


DiscoverNewsmagazine of science devoted to the wonders, mysteries and challenges of modern science, written for the educated layperson. Select the an "Access Journal" link and enter your topic in "Search Within this Publication" to search.


Popular Science - Presents articles on products for homes, transportation and recreation, including automobiles, boats, tools & garden, electronic, photographic equipment and television. Select an "Access Journal" link and enter your topic in "Search Within this Publication" to search.


The Physics TeacherPublishes peer-reviewed papers on the teaching of introductory physics and on topics such as contemporary physics, applied physics, and the history of physics. Dedicated to strengthening the teaching of introductory physics at all levels, including secondary schools colleges and universities, Use the SEARCH button at the top of the page to find articles.