Register and Make Requests via Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a common service between libraries. When the Library doesn't own or have access to an item, we can often borrow it from another source. A few limitations exist, so please review the following links:
Additional questions? Item unavailable via ILL? Don't hesitate to contact us about alternate options.
When you are searching for a particular journal title, use the Find a Journal by Title search on the library's main page to determine whether the library has access to it in some fashion. If you're looking for information on a topic and haven't a clue where you'll find the articles, use one of the databases listed to the right. Searching a database allows you to identify relevant articles from many different journals at the same time.
The list of titles below are examples of just a few of the hundreds of journals to which you have access. These links connect you via the e-Journal Portal allowing you to see which databases carry that particular journal and for what date range.
IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine
International Journal of Cyber Criminology
Journal of Information Privacy & Security
Journal of Information Security
Computer Law and Security Report
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security & Law
Information Security Technical Report
General Databases: These are great places to start your research. General multidisciplinary databases provide something in almost every subject area. As you learn more about your topic, you will want to broaden your search into other databases that focus on specific subject areas. The databases below are from a variety of vendors and provide coverage of several thousand journals, magazines, and newspapers. Search filters include, but are not limited to: peer reviewed/scholarly, date of publication, author, subject, key words, etc. To get the most out of any database, look for links to help, tutorials, & user guides on their main page.
Criminal Justice & Law: Among others, these databases provide coverage of the following subject areas - Legal, legislative, criminal justice, sociology, criminology, security, counter-terrorism, business, financial, IT technology & issues, etc.
Business & Economics: These databases provide access to a variety of regional, national, and global business publications. In addition to financial and company information, you will find discussion and analysis of industry wide technology issues and challenges as well as policy concerns.
Science & Technology: Consider these databases when researching scientific & technological aspects of cybersecurity, military applications, psychological motivators, etc.
As much as we want it to be otherwise, no one database or website provides everything fulltext or free. Don't give up yet! There are ways to acquire materials, so be persistent. Maybe the item you need is available via another database or another library.