Although you may be familiar with one citation style or another, there are several from which to choose. The link below connects you to a page on the library website providing information about formats commonly used at Utica College. It is always best to confirm which style your individual faculty members want you to use.
Use the Citing Your Sources page on the UC Library website to connect to style guides for
The Cybersecurity programs at UC require students to use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. (APA). NOTE: Significant changes were included in this edition and important corrections were made in the 2nd printing. If you are purchasing a copy for yourself, make sure you get an appropriate corrected edition.
It's important to point out that APA style is not just about formatting a list of references or in-text citations. It is a system of rules for documenting sources and presenting an entire manuscript. Hence, much of the manual deals with the style of writing as well as the placement and format of features such as headers, page numbers, appendices, etc.
Although you may not be required to apply the full APA style to every paper you write, you will be asked to employ more features as you progress through the program. It will benefit you to become as comfortable with the system as possible sooner rather than later.
If nothing mentioned here about citation or APA rings a bell, then now is the time to ask questions or set up a research consultation appt. Refer to Getting Help on the Home tab at the beginning of this libguide.
A DOI (digital object identifier) is a numeric name given to a journal article or any other type of content found on the Internet. DOI names are used to provide current information about articles, including where they (or information about them) can be found on the Internet.
If you can't locate a DOI in the database where you found the article, or on a page of the article itself, here's something else to try:
The website has a form that allows researchers to enter an article author and title, and search for the DOI if one exists. Skip the first "Bibliographic Metadata search" and scroll down to the "Search on article title" area. Enter the information and click search. If no results appear, try the top search, entering more information about the article.
If you can't locate a DOI in this way, remember that including it in your citation is not an absolute requirement of APA style. You may omit it if not found.