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History - Ancient

Guide to Ancient History Resources


What is a Peer Reviewed article?

Peer reviewed articles are those found in peer reviewed or refereed journals. These journals are scholarly/academic in nature and the articles published in them go through a rigorous review process before being accepted for publication. Peer reviewed articles are often written by the person/team that actually conducted the research and performed the data analysis contained in the article. Faculty encourage students to seek out and rely on peer reviewed materials as a way of ensuring that you are finding and using quality research.

  • Choose a database to begin your research
  • If you do not get good results, try another database 
  • We recommend the following for beginning your research

AAS Historical Periodicals Collection 1-5

The most comprehensive collection of American periodicals, documenting American life from the Colonial Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction.

Academic Search Ultimate

The largest scholarly, multidisciplinary database designed specifically for academic institutions. Academic Search Premier a good place to start.   

Academic OneFile

Contains peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the leading journals and reference sources. Extensive coverage of the sciences, technology, medicine, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects.

Directory of Open Access Journals

DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals in a variety of academic disciplines.

JSTOR Arts and Sciences

Especially strong in history and related areas, JSTOR is a scholarly, full text journal archive with an integrated search engine. JSTOR covers the core research and society publications in the humanities and social sciences.   Tutorial

Oxford African American Studies Center

Oxford University Press titles. Extensive collection of historical, biographical and scholarly resources in African American and Africana studies.

Project Muse

Scholarly full text e-journal collection with an integrated search engine that provides access to titles in the humanities, arts and social sciences.   Tutorial

Click here to access a list of available history journals.