Depending on the purpose of your paper you may use on-line web sources. By applying these five criteria you can decide if they are sources to use. Ask yourself the following questions:
Authority - Is the document author or site sponsor clearly identified? Does the site provide contact information for the author or sponsor?
Objectivity or clear disclosure of advocacy - Is the site's purpose clear (for example, to inform, entertain or persuade). Is the site explicit about declaring its point of view? Does the site indicate whether it is directed toward a specific audience?
Coverage - Are the topics covered by the site clear? Does the site exhibit a suitable depth and comprehensiveness for its purpose? Is sufficient evidence provides to support the ideas and options presented?
Accuracy - Are the sources of information stated? Do the facts appear to be accurate? Can you verify this information by comparing this source with other sources in the field?
Currency - Are the dates included in the website? Is the information current, or at least still relevant for the site's purpose? For you purpose?
Criteria list taken in whole from: Ramage, Bean and Johnson. The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing. 5th Ed. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2009: 602.
The Internet is filled with an enormous quantity of information. Remember, search engines only index a small part of the world wide web. To find more results search in a variety of sources.
References and General History Websites
Internet African History Sourcebook - This website contains historical sources on the history of human societies on the continent of Africa.
Wonders of the African World - A PBS series that covers Black Pharaohs, Meroe, Gedi, the Swahili People, Zanzibar, the Ashanti and Dahomey (Benin) Kingdoms, Aksum, Gondar, the Churches of Lalibela, the Dogon, Grand Mosque of Djenne, Empires of Mali & Ghana, the Tuareg, Great Zimbabwe, Mapangubwe, the Shona People, and more.
History of China - This website provides extensive information on the rich history of China from prehistoric times to the Qing Dynasty.
Internet East Asia History Sourcebook - A collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts for educational use by Paul Halsall. The site and its documents are well organized and the breadth of materials is impressive. The Internet East Asia History Sourcebook is a subset of texts derived from the three major online Sourcebooks, along with added texts and web site indicators.
The British Museum : Ancient China - A useful website providing basic information about some aspects of ancient China, including crafts, artisans, geography, time, tombs, ancestors, and writing.
British Museum: Ancient Egypt - The British Museum site offers great images, simulations, and games to make the study of Ancient Egypt enticing for students.
Discovering Ancient Egypt - This is a website created and maintained by Mark Millmore. It is comprehensive, updated daily, and features a great section on temples and pyramids.
Ancient Greece - This is an informative and well illustrated guide to Ancient Greece, covering art and architecture, politics, Olympics, geography, mythology, peoples, war, history, and other topics.
The British Museum : Ancient Greece - A useful website providing basic information about all aspects of ancient Greece, including daily life, festivals, games, geography, religion, learning, war, and cities.
Ancient - This website provides a concise history of ancient Greece, information about Greek architecture and archaeology of Greece, as well as information about the culture and art of ancient Greece.
Forum Romanun - Forum Romanum is maintained by David Camden, who has put together an award-winning site on Ancient Rome that includes a virtual tour, a dictionary of Mythology, a Picture Index, and much information on History, Life, Language, and Literature.
The Roman Empire in the First Century - Meet the Emperors of Rome, read the words of poets and philosophers, learn about life in the 1st Century AD, and then try your skills in their "Emperor of Rome" game! Features many classroom resources and a timeline.
Ancient Rome - A website providing rather comprehensive information. Topics include Roman Art & Architecture, Entertainment, Law & Politics, Geography, People, War & Military, History, Religion, Language & Literature, and Other Resources.
Ancient Mesoamerican Civilization - This is a broad site made available by the University of Minnesota Department of Anthropology. It provides information on Mesoamerican Civilizations. The primary groups addressed are the Maya, Mixtec, Zapotec, and Aztec. Major topics include Writing Systems, Government, Religion, the Mayan Calendar, and more.
Persia - This website provides overviews on general Persian history, the Persian states of Acheamenids (560-330 BCE), Parthia and Arcsacids (247 BCE-226 CE), and Sassanids (224-636 CE), Persian religions, art, architecture, and modern perspectives on ancient Iran.