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SWK 502 Recovery Theory, Values and Skills

Referencing Book Chapters in APA 7

EXAMPLE of a book chapter reference in APA 7 style:

Roman, A. (2019). How to tame a flying dragon. In L. D. Green & K. Ubozoh (Eds.), We've been too patient: Voices from radical mental health (pp. 55-63). North Atlantic Books.

EXAMPLE of an in-text citation for the above chapter:

(Roman, 2019).

To reference a book chapter in APA 7 style, you should list the elements below in the following order:

Chapter Author - The name of the person who wrote the chapter, NOT the editor whose name appears on the cover or title page of the book. Capitalize the first word of each part of this name, using the format [Lastname, Initial. Initial.] without the brackets. End with a period.

Date - This is the year the book was published.  It should appear in parentheses in your reference. Use n.d. if there is no date given.   End with a period outside the parentheses. Examples: (1998).  or   (n.d.).

Chapter Title - The title of the chapter is the next element in the reference. It should appear in sentence case: that is, apart from proper names, capitalize only the first letter of the very first word of the title and subtitle. The chapter title is NOT italicized. End with a period.

Editor - The name or names of the book's editor(s).  You should start this element with the word "In" followed by the initials and last names of the editors and the abbreviation (Ed.) or (Eds.). Do not use last-name-first format for the editors. End this element with a comma.

Book Title - The title and subtitle (if there is one) of the book. The title should appear in sentence case (see above) and italics.This should end with a space, unless there are no pages given (see next element), in which case end with a period.

Pages - If available, include the page range of the book chapter, preceded by the abbreviation pp. This should appear in parentheses and end with a period outside the parentheses.  

Publisher - the name of the book's publisher. It may be a person, an organization, or a company. Capitalize each word and end with a period.

URL (E-book only) - the URL of the web site where you accessed the e-book.  If it was accessed via database or through Engage or this LibGuide, do not include a URL. The URL should NOT end with a period.

Still not sure how to reference a book chapter?  Let me help!  E-mail me at