The Edmonds Collection of personal papers consists of a wide range of correspondence with his fellow authors, contemporaries, family and friends, publishers, literary agents, etc. The papers also include a large amount of miscellaneous material kept and filed by Edmonds.
The collection has been thoroughly indexed and organized by box and folder numbering.
Index of Walter D. Edmonds Materials, Edmonds Room, Frank E. Gannett Memorial Library.
This document is a useful finding aid to the collection. Note that index entries beginning with the words A and The are alphabetized as A and T.
Here is a link to a pdf of a complete list of contents by box and folder number. The folders retain Edmonds' own filing system and naming.
Note that the Edmonds Room also contains some realia and artifacts housed in the room.
Here is a sampling of the variety of people that have files in the Edmonds Papers. Consult the full register for the entire contents.