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History - Modern

Encompasses the modern history of Africa, Asia, Europe, Central and South America, and the Middle East.

Europe--Eastern and Western

British History --  From Spartacus Educational; includes articles on people, events, and periods in British history.

Encyclopedia of 1848 Revolutions --  Includes articles on people and events in Europe during this period.

Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century – Including, but not limited to Europe, this website provides information in the more of statistical maps on the living conditions, government, war, art, population, religion, etc. of China, Europe, and America from the turn of the beginning to the end of the twentieth century.

History of Germany -- This detailed history of Germany is taken from the Area Handbook of the US Library of Congress. Chapters include Early History, Medieval Germany, Protestant Reformation, Thirty Years' War, 1618-48, Age of Enlightened Absolutism, 1648-1789, French Revolution and Germany, German Confederation, 1815-66, Bismarck and Unification, Imperial Germany, Weimar Republic, 1918-33, Third Reich, 1933-45, Postwar Occupation and Division, Birth of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, West Germany and the Community of Nations, Ulbricht Era, 1949-71, Social Democratic-Free Democratic Coalition, 1969-82, Christian Democratic Christian Socialist-Free Democratic Coalition, Honecker Era, 1971-89 and Opening of the Berlin Wall and Unification.

History of European Integration - Leiden University provides a directory of resources on the history of European Integration under the headings: Archives, Historical Documents, Bibliographies, Brussels, Journals, Cold War, Timelines, EU-Institutions, Non-EU Institutions, Discussion Groups, Oral Histories, Statistical Sources, Eurospeak and Federalism.

H-Net France - Provides and array of scholarly and general resources.