Eugenics Archives - Eugenics Archives reflects the collaboration of scholars, survivors, students, and community partners in challenging eugenics.
History in Focus: Holocaust Websites – Provides a list of useful websites and fairly extensive annotations to these websites.
Holocaust Encyclopedia -- An illustrated encyclopedia from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Holocaust History Project -- Collection of primary and secondary material addressing many issues relating to the holocaust. Covers topics including the Nazi propaganda film Der Ewige Jude, and offers essays and translations of original documents relating to Auschwitz. Also addresses the debate over Holocaust denial literature.
Holocaust - This website provides chronological coverage of the Holocaust.
The Holocaust, Crimes, Heroes and Villians - A website that provides acces to essays, biographies, poetry, photos, links, timelines, etc. pertaining to the Holocaust.
Second World War -- Includes a chronology, articles on the background to the war, political leaders, the resistance, the Holocaust, war journalists, artists, and photographers, weapons, secret agents, major offensives, and more.