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Stress is super common. It is your body's reaction to feeling overwhelmed or out of control. It's like a fight-or-flight response to everyday challenges.

Two kinds of stress:

  • Short-term stress (acute): Feels intense but fades fast.
  • Long-term stress (chronic): Sticks around due to ongoing issues. This can be tougher on your mind and body.

Signs to Watch For:

  • Feeling fried, withdrawn, forgetful, or irritable?
  • Trouble sleeping/relaxing or changes in appetite?
  • Body tense? Headaches, stomachaches?

Remember, you're not alone. Take care of yourself and don't be afraid to ask for help!

The Stress Management Society's Individual Stress Test

Mindfulness & Meditation

Here are some mindfulness strategies to adopt into your daily practice: 

  • Do Nothing for Two Minutes

    The company Calm created this website to encourage people to do nothing for two minutes while listening to the sound of ocean waves. The timer will reset if you move your mouse or click anything on the screen. 

  • Exhaler

    This website helps you practice breathing methods for relaxation like the square method.

  • Bullet Journaling

    This type of journaling has an easy system for managing to-dos. 

  • Free Yoga

    Over 500 free at-home yoga videos.

Take a Break with Activities!

Here are some activities you can use to take a break- It's important to take breaks and give yourself time to just be!

Podcasts & Spotify Playlists
