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When is Bi Visibility Day?

Bisexual Awareness Week is celebrated in September during the week of September 23rd(Bi Visibility Day)

What is Bisexuality?

  • Attraction to more than one gender.
    • Does not only mean attraction to males and females
    • This attraction could be physical, romantic, and/or emotional.
      • Biromantic vs Bisexual
  • Bisexual people may experience different kinds of attraction and their attractions may change over time.

How is it different than Pansexuality?

  • Attraction to all genders and/or regardless of gender.
    • EX: Pansexual people may feel an attraction to someone who is agender, female, male, or gender-fluid person.
  • This attraction could be physical, romantic, and/or emotional.
    • Panromantic vs Pansexual
  • Pansexual is a term that falls under the bisexual umbrella.

Articles and Resources on Bisexuality:

Podcasts & Spotify Playlist