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Virtual Library Displays

What is a virtual display?

Most libraries create physical, in-person book displays that showcase resources within a specific theme. 

For our library, we wanted to provide an option to include digital resources and allow those who are virtual to see what we are doing in the library!

These displays will be updated monthly, and if there are materials/themes that you think the library could showcase, email us to let us know!

Click the Social Media Logos to see more about our Library!


How to use this Platform(LibGuide)

On the left side of the screen are the displays separated by month.

If some months have no displays or do not appear, it is because we have not had a display for that month yet. (But they will eventually!) 

Each display will have a variety of resources including(but not limited to) Print Books, E-Books, E-Videos, and Podcasts!

Any Print Book, E-Book, or Video will be linked to our catalog so you can have quicker access to the materials.