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Virtual Library Displays

Getting Started

Dr. Lawrence's LIT:394 proudly created this display in collaboration with Librarian Melissa Lawson during the Spring of 2024. Below this box are the different subtopics each student researched and their findings.

Here are the topics: 

Coming Out, Queer Elders, Queer Two-Spirit, Queer Temporality, Bi & Ace Erasure, Sex Work, (White) Feminism & Queerness, Intersectionality, Queer Community, AIDS Epidemic

Along with the individual research for the topics there are supplemental or extra materials for you to explore like interactive maps, podcasts, and a Spotify playlist

Check out the tabs next to this one to get started!

Key Terms: Visit HRC: Glossary of Terms, GLSEN: terms and Concepts Thematic, or Safe Zone Project Glossary of Terms

  • Asexual:
    • "People who experience no, little, or conditional sexual attraction. They may experience other forms of attraction (e.g., intellectual, emotional). Ace people may also identify as other LGBTQ+  identities."
  • Bisexual:
    • "A person who is emotionally and/or physically attracted to two genders. For example, a person attracted to some male-identified people and some female-identified people."
  • Coming Out:
    • "Refers to voluntarily making public one's sexual or romantic orientation and/or gender identity."
  • Gender: 
    • "A social construct used to classify a person as a man, woman, or some other identity. Fundamentally different from the sex one is assigned at birth; a set of social, psychological and emotional traits, often influenced by societal expectations."
  • Gender Binary:
    • "A system in which gender is constructed into two strict categories; male or female. Gender identity is expected to align with the sex assigned at birth and gender expressions and roles fit traditional expectations."
  • Queer:
    • "This can include but is not limited to any LGBTQ+ people. Some still find it offensive, while others reclaim it to encompass the broader sense of the history of the gay rights movement."
  • Queer Elders:
    • "The term for LGBTQ+ people 65, the current standard age of retirement, or older. The other synonyms may be preferable like  “older adults,” or “senior."
  • Sex Positivity:
    • "an important ideology that acknowledges and affirms each person’s right to experience and define their sexuality throughout their lifetime in whatever way they choose."
  • Two-spirit:
    • "An umbrella term traditionally within Native American communities to recognize individuals who possess qualities or fulfill roles of both genders."

Our Research






  • Asexual Visibility and Education Network(AVEN)
    • "founded in 2001 with two distinct goals: creating public acceptance and discussion of asexuality and facilitating the growth of an asexual community."
  • The Bisexual Resource Center
    • "works to connect the bi+ community and help its members thrive through resources, support, and celebration. We envision an empowered, visible, and inclusive global community for bi+ people."
  • What is Bisexuality? 
    •  A resource from the Bisexual Resource Center that discusses the definitions and nuances of Bisexuality. 






  • AIDS Crisis Timeline
    • An Excellent timeline of the AIDS Epidemic within the US, a pretty definitive source, and an easily formatted comprehensive list.
  • Documentaries about HIV/AIDS
    • List of 20 documentaries about various moments in the AIDS Epidemic.

Interactive Maps